You have probably heard of email marketing. But what is it? That’s the question that VIMAR is here to answer today. We are going to go in-depth on how to get started and how to build a successful email list. 

Remember if email marketing is not your strong suit, then Vimar are always here to help.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a segment of internet marketing that includes digital marketing through websites, social media, and blogs. It typically includes newsletters containing company updates, promotions, sales, and exclusive deals for email subscribers. 

In some cases, such as during a natural disaster, email marketing may also be used to convey a company’s message and condolences to a wider audience. 

When used correctly, email marketing allows companies to keep their customers up to date and to tailor their messages to their specific audience. However, email marketing can also be used to effectively – and accidentally- drive potential customers away. 

How to Get Started with Email Marketing 

1. Recognize Your Audience

First, you’ll need to define who your target audience is. Take time to understand what kind of people they are and what they want so that you can tailor your emails to what they need/want. 

2. Set Goals

Use email statistic research for your industry to come up with sustainable and attainable goals for your campaign. 

3. Choose A Campaign Type

Learn about the various types of email campaigns that exist. Take the time to decide on one or two campaigns that work best for your business. You may also choose to set up different email lists for the different campaigns that you create. 

4. Develop A Schedule

Come up with a definitive schedule for how often you plan to send communications to your email lists. Be sure to inform the people on your lists so that they know how often to expect correspondence from you.

5. Monitor Your Campaign’s Progress

After you’ve got your campaign up and running, be sure to monitor the campaign’s progress. You can do this by using various online SEO tools and software. 

The Ultimate Guide To Email Marketing

3 Great Ways to Build Your Email List 

Encourage sharing. 

One of the best ways to build your email lists is by encouraging your subscribers to share with others. If you create an awesome motivational email full of top-quality content, feel free to remind your subscribers to share it with their friends who aren’t already subscribed! 

Include a ‘Share’ or ‘Forward’ button at the top of your marketing email to make it easy for readers to send the content to others. 

Create free online tools or resources.

When you’re just getting started with email marketing and don’t have a ton of subscribers, consider creating free tools or resources that are exclusively offered to new subscribers. This is a great way to encourage those with an existing interest in what you stand for to join your email list. 

Shorten the length of email opt-in forms.

When someone subscribes to your email list, they usually must input their email. They may also have to include their name, where they live, and other information. However, we encourage you to shorten your forms if possible.

This helps to ensure that potential subscribers don’t see signing up as a process that will take too long or that is inconvenient. 

Now you know a little bit more about email marketing. Using the information included in this article, you can efficiently launch your first campaign and start building your email list.