Attempting to create your own space in the world with a business idea or pet project is a wonderful thing. But of course, it is not without its complications. At Vimar we do our very best to market your business to the right people through a variety of channels. That is our job. Unfortunately, your job is everything else.

Thankfully though there a lot of tools out there to help every new and established business. We have compiled a list of some tools that we believe every business can benefit from adopting. They may save time, money and other vital resources allowing you to focus on the more important things.

Communication Tools

Effective communication is a vital element for any business to bloom. You need to communicate with your employees, customers, or other entities that engage with you through business opportunities. All in all, you should be able to communicate easily without a hassle, and most importantly, it should create an impact. 

There are a few communication tools that every business owner should never lack in their business. They include:

With these communication tools, you are likely to stay ahead of the curve. All you need now is choose the right variety for your business that will deliver maximum results and value.   

Accounting Tools

Keeping your finances in check and ensuring that all the numbers are adding up is vital in any business. The only way to calculate your profits and losses is by keenly managing your accounts. By using online accounting software, you can track your business’ expenditure from wherever you are, helping you save money in a variety of ways.

If you are worried about losing data, almost all online accounting software is backed up in the cloud. Hence, there is no risk of it being misplaced or getting lost through computer malware or virus.

Some popular software includes:

  • Sage
  • Xero
  • Surf

Project Management Tools

Business Tools For You

Project management tools allow for easy planning of tasks for on-time completion. If you work on multiple projects at once in your business, managing them without the help of a software program can be a complicated process

. Using project management software enables you to easily track all your projects by monitoring their performance allowing for efficient task management. For you to enjoy a seamless workflow in your business, a project management tool is vital.

Great examples are:

  • HubSpot
  • Salesmate 
  • Zoho

Crowd Funding

To start up a business requires capital that not every entrepreneur has access to, hence introducing crowdfunding tools. Crowdfunding tools provide you with a platform where you can virtually present to customers all your business prospects or product without it having to be in existence. Once various investors show interest in your product, you can get capital to start your business and deliver it to other customers. It is a hugely successful avenue for entrepreneurs who have an innovative idea to survey before launching the product. Some of the crowdfunding tools commonly used are Kickstarter and Indiegogo. 

Survey Tools

An ideal way to better your services in a business is through feedback from your customers. It can be done effectively through a one-on-one interview with customers or online surveys. Using a survey, you can easily reach out to a larger mass and get instant feedback, unlike having customer interviews. The use of survey tools in the business allows for instant feedback and quicker reaction when implementing any suggestions. 

There are different survey tools available in Ireland, such as SurveyMonkeyGoogle formsSurvey gizmo, and Zoomerang. Choose the one that works best for you and find out what people think about your business or what products you need to introduce next.

Some of these tools may benefit your business, while otherwise may not be worth the investment. It’s important to always research tools and strategies for your business.