There is much discussion on the lasting impact of COVID – which of the changes are temporary, and which are here to stay in the long run. More users have adapted to both online shopping and social media and have grown accustomed to the internet becoming an important part of their lives, and this includes older generations who’ve avoided the web up till now.

One thing is for sure though – new strategies will become necessary when it comes to your brand’s approach to marketing after the world health crisis. 

Vimar has had a look at emerging trends and approaches that businesses and brands are likely to take in the coming years.

Trust becomes more important

Trust and engagement have become essential in gaining new business, as well as retaining loyal clients and preventing them from heading to competitors for goods and services. 

User-generated content is likely to continue as one of the fastest-growing and most effective marketing strategies since users are looking to be both entertained and engaged instead of being exposed to more traditional ways of advertising. 

Influencer videos and real-people testimonials have become more effective and with the economic crisis that has appeared because of COVID-19, users want to check the quality and reliability of the product before spending money.

Video marketing is gaining momentum

Although video ads are nothing new to the world of digital marketing, a new approach to how they are executed is becoming increasingly relevant. Quick, direct, and to-the-point video ads are becoming ever so effective since it’s becoming increasingly difficult to retain user’s attention. 

Shy away from long pop-up ads that users are simply resentful to and many have installed ad blockers in the form of Chrome extensions that simply skip the advertisement. 

Instead, the “story” feature that has recently become available not only on Instagram and Facebook, but also on WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and YouTube and presents the perfect opportunity for easy product representation. These videos are easy to make and easy to watch videos brought to users through your brand’s online presence or social media influencer’s feed. 

According to HubSpot, more than half of users want to watch video content and video information is three times as likely to attract and keep user’s attention as opposed to more traditional formats of advertising.

Digital Marketing After Covid - How Things Will Change

Email marketing is still king

When it comes to older marketing strategies, one that will certainly survive the crisis is email marketing with newsletters, to-the-point offers, and automation tools used to deliver more personalized messages that manage to avoid the spam folder. The average expected return of investment is $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing, mainly due to the large numbers of email users forecasted to reach 4.3 billion by 2023.

Social media 

Although social media marketing has been around for quite some time now, what’s new is that social media, namely Instagram has become the main channel not only for product discovery but also a place of purchase. That means that social media marketing, if executed well, could be a one-stop spot for both your marketing and e-commerce efforts, making it increasingly important to craft and execute an effective strategy for your online presence. 

If you are unsure of your business’s approach coming into 2021 then contact the Vimar team today. We work with our clients to develop strategies and campaigns that will not only gain your business valuable brand recognition but which is also sure to increase sales and footfall to your business when footfall can return of course.

Digital Marketing - Covid

If your company is in the need of marketing solutions, then contact VIMAR today and we can discuss your options and how best to help your business move forward.