Why are there so many small businesses now using AI to push out content? In recent months there has never been so many people relying on AI to spur some creativity. We have all become content creators in a big race to keep up with competition and to get yourself noticed by being ranked well for content. Sure AI can help, but there needs to be some time for thought – as content can become too bland and high-level, reducing the individualism of many small business offerings. 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various industries, including content creation, which is becoming increasingly popular due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. AI-generated content can be useful for producing large volumes of text quickly, which can save time and resources. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages of using AI-generated content.


Go back to basics with your Marketing Message


Marketing messaging should always be kept simple and concise to effectively communicate with the target audience. People are bombarded with information every day, so it’s important to grab their attention quickly and hold it long enough to get your message across. Using overly complicated language or convoluted messaging can cause confusion or frustration, leading potential customers to look elsewhere for a solution. By keeping messaging simple, businesses can quickly and effectively communicate the benefits of their products or services, and how they can solve the customer’s problem. 


A simple message is also easier to remember, making it more likely that potential customers will recall the brand when they need the product or service in the future. Ultimately, a clear and concise message can help businesses build stronger connections with their customers and drive better results from their marketing efforts.

AI can be super helpful for marketing tasks

Advantages of AI-generated content include its ability to produce large volumes of content quickly and cost-effectively. AI-generated content can also analyse data to find patterns and generate insights that humans may not be able to detect. Furthermore, AI-generated content can be used to automate tasks, such as generating product descriptions, social media posts, and email marketing messages.


Disadvantages of AI-generated content include its inability to create content that demonstrates E-A-T qualities. It lacks context and can rely on outdated information, leading to inaccurate or irrelevant content. AI-generated content can also lack a human touch, which is essential for connecting with readers emotionally. Additionally, AI-generated content can be limited in creativity and uniqueness, resulting in a generic tone and style.


Despite the limitations of AI-generated content, it is important to consider its potential applications and advantages. AI-generated content can be useful for automating repetitive tasks, which can save time and resources. However, for businesses looking to create valuable and authoritative content that resonates with their audience, human-written content remains the best option.


As we just outlined, AI-generated content has both advantages and disadvantages, and its limitations must be considered when choosing between human-written and AI-generated content. While AI-generated content can be useful for automating repetitive tasks and producing large volumes of content quickly, it cannot yet match the quality and authority of human-written content. Thinking about a purpose and adding in your personality is crucial to good writing.  Therefore, businesses should continue to rely on human-written content for creating valuable, authoritative, and emotionally engaging content that connects with their audience.


Be the unique voice in a crowded market

Small businesses are unique in many ways, and their marketing strategies should reflect this individuality. Unlike large corporations with established brands, small businesses are often starting from scratch and need to establish their brand identity in the market. This requires a custom approach to marketing that takes into account the business’s unique value proposition, target audience, and competitive landscape. Small businesses need to differentiate themselves from competitors by highlighting their strengths, such as exceptional customer service or innovative products. By creating a custom marketing plan that speaks to the specific needs of their target audience, small businesses can establish themselves as a trustworthy and valuable partner in the eyes of their customers.


If you’re interested in exploring more content ideas and learning how our team of digital experts can help your business grow, please reach out to us for a free consultation