Google Ads Cost 2023: Breakdown and Factors Influencing Pricing

Google Ads Cost 2023 can range from €1000 to €10,000 per month. For the Google Search Network, the average cost-per-click (CPC) typically falls between €1 and €2, while the Google Display Network tends to have an average CPC of €1. However, it’s crucial to note that Google Ads pricing can fluctuate based on multiple factors such as industry, campaign targeting, and the chosen ad network.

Curious to delve deeper into the pricing structure of Google Ads and optimise your advertising expenditure? Dive into this comprehensive guide on Google Ads pricing!

Key Questions Answered in this Guide:

How much does Google Ads cost in 2023?
What variations exist in Google Ads costs across different industries?
What factors influence the pricing of Google Ads?
How does Google Ads determine the cost-per-click (CPC)?
How does budgeting work within Google Ads?
What is the average CPC for Google Ads?
What are the typical Google Ads expenditures for small businesses?
What other costs should I anticipate when using Google Ads?

For professional assistance in effectively managing your ad spend on Google Ads, reach out to us online and explore how our award-winning team can provide valuable support!

How much does Google Ads cost in 2023?

When it comes to Google Ads Cost 2023, you have the flexibility to allocate a budget that suits your needs. The cost can start as low as €1 and can go up to €10,000 per month, depending on your preferences and goals. One of the significant advantages of Google Ads is that you can spend as little or as much as you want, allowing you to tailor your advertising expenditure to your specific requirements.

The average cost-per-click (CPC) on the Google Search Network typically falls within the range of €1 to €2. For the Google Display Network, the average CPC is around €1. It’s important to note that these figures are averages, and actual costs may vary depending on factors such as industry, campaign targeting, and the chosen ad network. These variations in pricing ensure that advertisers can have more control over their budget allocation and achieve their desired results within their financial means.

Google Ads provides numerous tools and features to help you optimize your ad spend effectively. By refining your targeting options, utilizing keywords strategically, and continuously monitoring and adjusting your campaigns, you can maximize the return on your investment. It is crucial to regularly assess the performance of your ads and make data-driven decisions to ensure that your budget is being utilized efficiently.

Furthermore, Google Ads offers flexibility in terms of budgeting. You can set a daily budget to control your spending and ensure that you stay within your desired limits. This feature allows you to experiment with different budget levels and adjust them based on the performance and outcomes of your campaigns.

It’s worth mentioning that Google Ads provides opportunities for advertisers with various budget sizes, including small businesses. With careful planning and optimization, businesses with limited budgets can still benefit from Google Ads and reach their target audience effectively.

In addition to the cost-per-click (CPC), there are other potential costs associated with Google Ads. These may include costs for ad creation, landing page development, and utilizing additional features and extensions to enhance your campaigns. It’s essential to consider these factors when planning your overall budget for Google Ads.

What variations exist in Google Ads costs across different industries?

So now that you know the answer to the question, “how much does Google Ads cost,” let’s dive into how those costs can vary by industry.

Even though most companies spend €1000 to €10,000 per month on Google Ads, they use their ad spend in different ways. Factors like their industry, products, services, and competitors all influence their Google advertising costs.

Google Ads Cost 2023 Table

In most cases, industries with a higher CPC spend more on Google Ads.

For example, the consumer services sector pays an average of almost €7 per click, which can motivate businesses in the industry to increase their monthly Google Ads spend.

What factors influence the pricing of Google Ads?

Google Ads costs depend on several factors, including:

One of the primary factors influencing Google Ads pricing is the industry you operate in. Certain industries are characterized by higher levels of competition. For instance, the legal, accounting, and real estate sectors feature highly competitive keywords in Google Ads, which results in a higher cost per click (CPC) requirement.

Market trends
Consumer and online advertising trends are constantly evolving, necessitating a proactive approach to stay abreast of the latest developments. Over time, the needs and shopping patterns of your target audience may change, prompting adjustments to your keyword bidding strategy. The average CPC can fluctuate as consumer trends shift, leading to varying levels of competitiveness among different keywords.

Quality Score
Google Ads costs are also influenced by the Quality Score assigned to your ads. The Quality Score is a measure of the quality and relevance of your ads, typically ranging from 1 to 10. It assesses factors such as the landing page experience, chosen keywords, and click-through rate (CTR).

Ideally, you should strive for a Quality Score as close to 10 as possible. A higher Quality Score signifies that Google views your ad as relevant and providing a positive user experience, resulting in a higher placement within the search engine results pages (SERPs). Your Quality Score can impact the amount you bid on keywords, as a lower bid coupled with a high Quality Score can help you achieve a prominent position in the search results. Conversely, a lower Quality Score may require a higher bid to secure a top spot.

As mentioned earlier, the competitiveness of keywords plays a pivotal role in determining your Google Ads expenditure. Consequently, your choice of keywords can significantly influence the amount you will spend on your campaigns. Depending on your industry and the specific keywords you wish to target, your CPC may be higher or lower compared to the average for businesses in general.

Another determining factor in Google Ads pricing is the amount you are willing to bid for each click on your ads. Your bid represents the maximum sum you are prepared to pay for a single click. It is crucial to set a bid amount that enables you to compete effectively with other advertisers in your industry.

Your advertising budget also impacts the cost of Google Ads. It refers to the average daily and monthly expenditure you allocate to your ad campaigns. Similar to your bid, you have the flexibility to set your budget according to what comfortably aligns with your overall advertising budget.

How does Google Ads determine the cost-per-click (CPC)?

Google Ads pricing is influenced by several factors that determine your cost-per-click (CPC). It’s important to note that you may not always pay your maximum bid amount. Let’s explore the three steps that determine the cost-per-click for Google Ads:

Quality Score
In the process of determining your cost-per-click (CPC) for Google Ads, the first step is assessing your Quality Score. We briefly discussed the concept of Quality Score earlier, but let’s have a quick review.
Your Quality Score is evaluated on a scale from one to ten, and it is determined based on the landing page experience and relevance of your ad to the chosen keyword.

Once Google has established your Quality Score, it proceeds to evaluate your Ad Rank.

Ad Rank
The next step in determining your Google Ads cost-per-click (CPC) is the calculation of your ad’s Ad Rank. Your Ad Rank determines the placement of your ad in the search results, or whether it will appear at all.

Google calculates your Ad Rank using the following formula: ( Max bid X Quality Score = Ad Rank )

Cost-per-click (CPC)
When your ad is displayed in the search results, you will be charged only when someone clicks on it. However, it’s important to note that you may not always pay the maximum bid amount you have set.

Google Ads calculates your cost-per-click (CPC) using the following formula: ( Ad Rank of the ad below yours / Quality Score + $.01 = CPC )

This formula makes it possible for companies with smaller advertising budgets to compete with larger businesses on Google. For example, you could pay less per click than another company who ranks below you because your ad has a higher Quality Score.

How does budgeting work within Google Ads?

When you begin advertising on Google, you will encounter various terms associated with Google Ads costs, which include:

  1. Budget: The allocated amount you are willing to spend over a period of 30.4 days for a campaign, typically on a per-day basis.
  2. Bid: The specified amount you are willing to invest for each click on your ad.
  3. Spend: The portion of your budget that Google deducts when your ad wins an ad auction and is displayed.
  4. Cost: The actual amount you pay for each click on your ad.

These terms are essential to understand and manage your Google Ads expenditure effectively.

Daily average budgets

Your daily average budget is the average daily amount per ad campaign you’re willing to spend over 30.4 days (the average number of days in a month).

When you set up your campaign in Google Ads, you’ll be asked to provide your daily average budget. You can choose to share this budget across all of your campaigns or set a separate budget for each campaign.

Your daily average budget gives Google a rough idea of what you’d like your daily spend to average out at the end of the month. That means you could exceed or fall short this amount.

Spending limits

There are two types of spending limits — the daily spending limit and the monthly spending limit.

The daily spending limit is the maximum amount you will pay for an ad campaign daily. And the monthly spending limit is the maximum amount you will pay for an ad campaign each month.

You will never pay more than your spending limit.


The pricing of Google Ads will also depend on your bid. Your bid is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad.

You’ll want to make sure your bid is high enough to compete with other bidders to earn those higher positions in the search results.

You can choose to bid manually and set different bid amounts for each keyword in your ad group or set up automated bidding where you can set maximum bid limits.

What is the average CPC for Google Ads?

The average cost per click (CPC) for Google Ads varies depending on the network. On the Google Search Network, the overall average CPC is typically in the range of €1 to €2. On the Google Display Network, the average CPC is generally around €1. It’s important to note that these figures are averages, and actual CPC can vary depending on factors such as industry, keywords, and competition.

How much do small businesses spend on Google Ads?

When it comes to Google Ads pricing, it can be helpful to understand what other small businesses typically spend in euros (€) on Google Ads.

In general, most small businesses allocate budgets ranging from €50 to €500 per day for their Google Ads campaigns. It’s important to note that these figures serve as a general guideline, and actual spending can vary based on factors such as business objectives, industry, and advertising goals.

For more information about what types of paid online advertising campaign is best for your business, schedule a free consultation with us.

Professional PPC Management

When businesses decide to invest in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, it is often advantageous for them to collaborate with a specialized PPC agency.

At VIMAR Digital Marketing, we offer our expertise to help businesses kickstart their advertising journey on Google. Our skilled team takes charge of developing, launching, and managing your paid advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising. We are dedicated to enhancing your Google Ads optimization score, ensuring optimal performance and results.

As part of our comprehensive PPC campaign management services, we provide our expertise for a monthly management fee. This fee typically ranges from $350 to $5000 per month, covering the efforts put forth by our team to strategize, execute, and optimize your campaigns. It’s important to note that this management fee does not include your monthly ad spend, which is the budget allocated directly to Google for displaying your ads.

By partnering with VIMAR Digital Marketing, you gain access to our specialized knowledge, experience, and dedication to driving successful PPC campaigns on Google. We aim to maximize your advertising ROI and help your business thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Learn more about Google Ads Cost 2023 and Pay Per Click (PPC) from Google directly.


Need help creating your Google Ads budget?

Looking to advertise on Google? VIMAR Digital Marketing is here to assist you, no matter the size of your project or your ad budget. With our expertise, we can help you navigate the world of Google Ads.

Determining the exact cost of Google Ads can vary as it depends on factors such as your industry, goals, and campaign performance. However, with our PPC management services, we can work together to develop a customized Google Ads budget that suits your business needs.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of a successful Google Ads campaign. Take the leap and discover the potential it holds for your business. Contact us today at Phone: 057 850 9060 or Email: to discuss Google Ads pricing and get started on boosting your online presence!

If you would like to learn more about digital marketing and how it could help transform your business, you can book a free consultation call with our team today.